OnePiece Fanon Wiki
Shika Shika no Mi Model: Megaloceros
Irish elk, Zdenek Burian
Japanese Name:
English Name: Deer Deer Fruit Irish Elk Model
Meaning: Deer
First Appearance: ????
Type: Ancient Zoan
Eaten by:

Shika Shika no Mi Model: Megaloceros is an Ancient Zoan type Devil Fruit that allows the user to become a Megaloceros also known as the Irish elk.


The fruit resembled a bundle of golden grapes with spiral patterns. The hybrid form resembles choppers monster point. While the full form resembles the giant extinct deer which towers over the average human.

Strengths and Weaknesses[]

The user can become the extinct deer known as the Megaloceros. This gives the user enhanced speed and strength. The user can also use the Megaloceros horns and hooves to hit and damage enemies. The user suffers from the standard devil fruit weaknessess
